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Debate: A patient with severe Crohn's with stricture and proximal dilation should have a resection
Debate: A patient with severe Crohn's with stricture and proximal dilation should have medical ther
Strictures & Dilations with IBD | Let's Talk IBD
When and How? Resections and Stricturoplasties for Severe Small Bowel Crohn’s Disease?
IBD Surgery Debate 1: Ileocecal Crohn's disease
Case Discussion: Controversies in the surgical management of complicated Crohn's disease
Ileo-Colonic Stricture Dilation in Crohn's Disease
Clinical Challenges in Colorectal Surgery: Management of Small Bowel Strictures in Crohn’s Disease
Management of strictures in patients with Crohn's disease - Video abstract [ID 38729]
Crohn’s cases | UCLA Digestive Diseases
Intestine Stricture
Intestinal Blockages with Crohn's Disease